AI2NBSE is a versatile and user-friendly package for calculating dielectric response including excitonic effects. This is a first-principles code based on both ground-state density-functional theory and the Bethe-Salpeter equation. AI2NBSE utilizes the program ABINIT for ground-state density-functional theory calculations, and the program NBSE to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation. AI2NBSE serves as a driver the whole process, starting from a single input file. AI2NBSE grew out of collaboration between the Rehr group at University of Washington and Zachary Levine and Eric Shirley at NIST, spearheaded by former group member Hadley Lawler.
Running AI2NBSE: The code is currently in pre-release. A beta version is currently available on the download page. For more information please use the Contact form above. The user’s guide is currently under review, but a slightly older version can be found here.
Publications: H. M. Lawler, J. J. Rehr, F. Vila, S. D. Dalosto, E. L. Shirley, and Z. H. Levine, Phys. Rev. B 78, 205108 (2008) .