National Science Foundation (NSF) Scientific Software Innovation Institute for Advanced Analysis of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Data (SIXNS)


Theoretical software and analysis tools and software integration for scattering science 

University of Washington, Seattle WA 
January 17-18, 2014

The 3rd SIXNS workshop, “Theoretical software, analysis tools, and software integration for scattering science,” will be held at the Talaris Conference Center at the University of Washington on Jan 17-18, 2014. These workshops are part of an NSF funded conceptualization effort to develop a Sustainable Software Innovation Institute for X-Ray and Neutron Scattering (SIXNS). The aim of this institute is to bring modeling and analysis of x-ray, electron, and neutron scattering experiments in alignment with the needs of the scattering science community by transforming existing codes into useful tools, while modernizing them for current developments in computing and instrumentation.

The previous workshops SIXNS I and SIXNS II focused on scattering science workflows and data analysis, and described the benefits of the SIXNS institute for the scattering science community. The 3rd workshop SIXNS III will focus on theoretical codes, analysis software, and software integration tools. The workshop aims to identify which theoretical and analysis tools are needed to model and interpret scattering experiments, and how to integrate these codes to efficient, user-friendly workflows.

The workshop aims to bring together 40-50 experts for an informal and creative discussion of these topics. The current schedule is for a two-day meeting, all day Friday and Saturday till mid-afternoon on Jan 17-18. Discussions will highlight scientific goals, existing practices, and future needs. The workshop format will combine plenary lectures with breakout sessions in smaller groups. Local expenses will be covered by the Workshop. We hope you can accept this invitation by completing the registration form.

For more information on the SIXNS workshop please contact:
Dr. Kevin Jorissen
University of Washington,

- Thanks to NSF for funding to run this workshop. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
- Thanks to University of Washington for hosting the workshop.