FEFF8-Lite Downloads


*     FEFF8-Lite Program.

This executable runs the FEFF8-Lite code. FEFF8-Lite is a free version of the FEFF8 code, restricted to EXAFS calculations.
Please select your Operating System (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux) and "Save As".

* Windows     * Mac OS X     * Linux    


*     Utilities for Self-Energy (advanced users).

opconsat: utility program for atomic-model self-energy calculation.
*opconsat.exe     *opconsat     *opconsat

eps2exc: utility program to read in loss function eps^-1 from file.
*eps2exc.exe     *eps2exc     *eps2exc

*     Source codes (advanced users).

These packages contain only the Fortran source codes. You can compile these yourself if you have a Fortran90 compiler. (We recommend the Intel ifort compiler.) The package is self-contained: you don't need external libraries. We recommend to use this one-file source code. However advanced users can also clone the open GitHub repo.

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